Monday, February 21, 2011


Ash; the main Character. A young guy turned into a Vampire by accident while trying to save his sister from and Evil Vampire. Now he is out for revenge but needs to understand his vampiric abilities and gain enough dark gifts in order to face an Elder.

Escher; the Antagonist. An Elder Master Vampire, He has total control over his powers and has dominion over many Monster clans.

Dr. Erasmus Wollstonecraft; the Inventor. He is a young crazy scientist Ash's best friend and the only character whom Ash risks going to for help.

Lynn, the side kick/love interest. Ash saves her from being burned at the stake for witchcraft and she helps him locate items that will help him on his quest.

Other names for supporting characters:
Bram, Shelly, Dandridge and Marlow

Friday, February 18, 2011

9 Act Structure

Setting: France 1760

1. Main character: Ash; Living normal life in his village.
2. A savage attack takes place upon ash and his family.
3. Ash awakens as a Vampire and must adjust to his new reality.
4. Dr. Wallstonecraft and Lynn help Ash.
5. The old Vampire proves his superiority over Ash.
6. Ash must defeat a series of monsters.
7. the search for power takes him to other lands.
8. After a long journey Ash is in Paris ready for Revenge.
9. Ash must decide whether to rule as a vampire or perish.

Trying to follow the structure of the Monomyth or "heroes journey" the bulk of the game takes place in steps 6 and 7 but there are quests in every step for player to get to know the characters and be able to experiment with the new powers. Ash's Village is also a Hub were he goes back to rest and recuperate.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3 act structure:

1. Main character becomes a Vampire.
2. He gathers power in order to get revenge.
3. Liberate the area of monsters or rule over them.

This is the overall plot of the story how things get set into motion, then the bulk of the game play and the result depending on player choice.

I've already begun sketching out characters and powers.